Our Girls
Sweet Pea's Lily
Bernese Mountain Dog

Weight: 94lbs
Embark tested: Dm carrier
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Good
OFA Patellas: Normal
OFA Cardiac: Normal
Sweet Pea's Josie
Multigen Australian Bernedoodle

Weight: 35lbs
Height: 19in
Embark tested: Clear/PRA carrier
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Good
Cardiac: Vet Check Normal
Patellas: Vet Checked normal
kyky atat bb Ee Ssp FF +/- curl
46.6% Standard Poodle 31.9% Small Poodle
15% Bernese Mountain Dog 6.5% Cocker Spaniel
Sweet Pea's Birdie
F1 Bernedoodle

Weight: 32lbs
Embark tested: Clear
OFA Hips: Excellent
OFA Elbows: Good
OFA Patellas: Normal
OFA Cardiac: Normal
kyky atat Bb Ee Ssp FI +/- curl
50% Bernese Mountain Dog 32.1% Poodle (Small) 17.9% Poodle (Standard)
Maggie x Grits
Sweet Pea's Muffin
Multigen Golden Mountain Doodle

Weight: 49lbs
Embark tested: Clear
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Good
OFA Cardiac: Normal
OFA Patellas: Normal
Eme Kbky ata BB SS FI +/- curl
60.9% Standard Poodle 31.5% Bernese Mountain Dog 7.6% Golden Retriever
Maisie x Kodiac
Sweet Pea's Echo
F1 Labradoodle

Weight: 60lbs
Height: 24in
Embark tested: VWD1 & PRA carrier
OFA Hips: Excellent
OFA Elbows: Good
OFA Cardiac: Normal
OFA Patellas: Normal
OFA Thyroid: Normal
Eme KbKb ata Dd Bb SS Mm FI +/- curl
50% lab 50% Standard Poodle
Doodles of OZ Rosie
Australian Labradoodle

Weight: 26lbs
Embark tested: Clear
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Good
OFA Patellas: Normal
OFA Cardiac: Normal
kyky atat Bb ee Ssp Mm FF -/- curl
55.3% Poodle (Small) 23.3% Poodle (Standard)
11.2% Lab 10.2% Cocker Spaniel
Sweet Pea's Molly
Multigen Bernedoodle

Weight: 46 lbs
Embark tested: Clear
OFA Hips:
OFA Elbows:
OFA Patellas: Normal
OFA Cardiac: Normal
kyky ata Bb EmE SS FI +/- curl
55.3% Bernese Mountain Dog 32.1% Poodle (Small) 12.6% Poodle (Standard)
Maggie x Scout
Sweet Pea's Honey
Multigen Bernedoodle

Weight: 25lbs
Embark tested: Clear
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Good
OFA Patellas: Normal
OFA Cardiac: Normal
Ee kyky ata Bb spsp FF +/- curl
43.9% Poodle (Small) 41.2% Poodle (Standard) 14.9% Bernese Mountain Dog
Josie x Scout
Lookingglass' "Fancy"
Multigen Bernedoodle

Weight: 14lbs
Embark tested: CT carrier
OFA Hips:
OFA Elbows:
OFA Patellas:
OFA Cardiac:
Ee kyky atat Bb SS Mm Fi -/- curl
48% Poodle (Small) 32.2% Poodle (Standard) 19.8% Bernese Mountain Dog
Harley x Zeke
Life is Better with Doodles "Pearl"
Multigen Bernedoodle

Weight: 19lbs
Embark tested: CT and DM carrier
OFA Hips:
OFA Elbows:
OFA Patellas:
OFA Cardiac:
Ee kyky atat Bb SS mm FF -/+curl
45.8% Poodle (Small) 14.7% Poodle (Standard) 39.5% Bernese Mountain Dog
Harley x Brody